What we do for you and the community
Our Services

If you find yourself needing support, here is what AAI can offer you
Our support line provides confidential, crisis support for callers who would like to report incidents of Islamophobia/ anti-Muslim hate, racism, discrimination, bias or bigotry, or want more information about how to submit a report.
Report Islamophobia support line also provides information on what resources are available in the community to support people who have witnessed or experienced an Islamophobic/ anti-Muslim hate incident, including referrals to legal and mental health services.

If you recently experienced or witnessed a hate crime or incident, please reach out to us by calling 02 8377 4199 or you can email us at support@actionagainstislamophobia.org.au. There is no incident too small to report and we value every single voice reaching out to us and aim to return your call within 24-48 hours.
Information shared with our service remains confidential and is not disclosed to authorities unless specifically requested.
Action Against Islamophobia (AAI) has established referral pathways with local mental health services that provide accessible, culturally safe support for people experiencing Islamophobia.
Our specialist partners that have teamed up with Action Against Islamophobia:
Access to appropriate legal advice is essential in the pursuit of justice for victims of Islamophobic incidents. Action Against Islamophobia (AAI) has established referral pathways with local law firms and consultants who can provide legal support and advocacy.