Your Voice Can Make a Difference
Report Islamophobia
If you have experienced or witnessed an incident of islamophobia, extremism, bias, bigotry or hate, please report it using the incident form below. If this is an emergency, please dial 000 then call 02 8377 4399 to access support.
Form Checklist
Report The Incident
Select incident type*
Type of Application*
Contact Details*
Preferred Method of Contact*
If we need to contact you about this report, how would you prefer we do that?
What was the specific nature of the incident?* (You may select more than one option)
How were you involved in the incident?*
Has this happened to you before? *
What was the specific nature of the incident?* (You may select more than one option)
Online Platform*
Social media account name of perpetrator or URL address link about the incident*
Date of Incident*
Please give us as much information as you can about the victim so we can contact them and make sure they get the support they need.
Victims Name: *
Please give us an estimate of their age*
Was the victim wearing any cultural or religious clothing or did they have other religious features (e.g. long beard) at the time of the incident?*
Please provide details*
What is your relationship to them?
What's their ethnic background?*
How can we assist you? (You may select more than one option)
When did the incident happen?*
What time did the incident happen?*
Description about the Incident:*
Please give as much detail as possible including what happened and what the perpetrator said and did.
Or record your voice message
Do you have any evidence of the incident such as photos, screenshots, video?
*You can upload multiple files (maximum 10).Were you or anyone else injured in the incident?*
Please check all your information is correct before you submit the form.
Select incident type*
Type of Application*
Contact Details*
Preferred Method of Contact*
If we need to contact you about this report, how would you prefer we do that?
What was the specific nature of the incident?* (You may select more than one option)
Online Platform*
Social media account name of perpetrator or URL address link about the incident*
Date of Incident*
How can we assist you? (You may select more than one option)
How many perpetrators were there?*
Suspect 1
Description of perpetrator
Please give us an estimate of their age*
What's their ethnic background?*
Describe the perpetrator (include information like height, weight, any distinguishing features such as tattoos, beard, etc)*
How did the incident make you feel?* (You may select more than one option)
Have you reported to*
Do you want us to forward your report to the Police?
How can we assist you? (You may select more than one option)
Please check all your information is correct before you submit the form.
Select incident type*
Type of Application
Contact Details*
Preferred Method of Contact*
If we need to contact you about this report, how would you prefer we do that?
What was the specific nature of the incident?* (You may select more than one option)
How were you involved in the incident?*
Has this happened to you before? *
Please give us as much information as you can about the victim so we can contact them and make sure they get the support they need.
Victims Name: *
Please give us an estimate of their age*
Was the victim wearing any cultural or religious clothing or did they have other religious features (e.g. long beard) at the time of the incident?*
Please provide details*
What is your relationship to them?
What's their ethnic background?*
When did the incident happen? *
What time did the incident happen?
Description about the Incident:*
Please give as much detail as possible including what happened and what the perpetrator said and did.
Or record your voice message
Do you have any evidence of the incident such as photos, screenshots, video?
Were you or anyone else injured in the incident?
How many perpetrators were there?
Suspect 1
Description of perpetrator
Please give us an estimate of their age*
What's their ethnic background?*
Describe the perpetrator (include information like height, weight, any distinguishing features such as tattoos, beard, etc)*
How did the incident make you feel? – can select more than one
Have you reported to*
Do you want us to forward your report to the Police?
How can we assist you? (You may select more than one option)